The Electric Theatre - Guildford


The Electric Theatre has community at its core and is committed to working with the local community to bring classes, events and projects to the heart of Guildford.

We currently work with U3A to provide Bridge classes every Tuesday and Thursday, Knit and Natter join us on a Wednesday along with a Sling Library for parents with young children.  We’ve recently run a 7-week project with The Big Leaf Foundation, providing language, work experience and training opportunities for young displaced people in Surrey.

On Mondays we welcome the Halow project in The Farley Room and Wednesday evenings art classes are provided by Colour Wheel. Saturday mornings the youth of Guildford join Guildford Theatre School in the auditorium and our Cafe Bar is covered in art from Artventure.

We are also delighted to work closely with Guildford Amateur Dramatic Society (GATA) who provide 10 weeks of fantastic shows over the year.

On top of all this, we welcome hires and events from local charities.  If you have an event or class you’d like to bring to The Electric Theatre, please give Nate a shout on: / 01483 910195

We are currently building a community section on our website, however if you’d like any further information on the groups above, please give us a call on 01483 501200.

